Practice Area

Criminal & Civil Litigation

Regular & Anticipatory Bail, Quashing of FIR(S) and Criminal Complaints, Trials and Appeals, Criminal Revisions, Appeals before the Hon’ble High Courts and The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, Anti-corruption, Crimes under the Information Technology Act,

Criminal & Civil Litigation

Fundamental Rights of a Citizen, Writ Jurisdiction

Service Law

Departmental Enquiry, Oral Termination, Termination, Salary, Arrears of Salary, Pension, Gratuity etc.

Dispute Resolution

Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation and arbitration.

Intellectual Property Rights

Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade secrets

Trust & Estate

Instruments such as wills, Living trusts, or charitable trusts, Assets and payment of any debts or liabilities of the estate.

Kakade Law Associates

N. K. Kakade Law Associates is a multi-specialty law firm in Aurangabad (Mah.).

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Office Info

  • +91-98225-43537
  • +91-98225-43537
  • Aurangabad

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